


徐工XS395压路机的优点包括:1. 强大的动力系统:配备了额定功率为146kW的潍柴发动机,动力强劲,能够应对各种道路和土壤状况。2. 高效的工作能力:采用了宽厚的压轮胎和大功率压轮驱动系统,能够提供稳定的挤压力和爬坡能力,以提高施工效率。3. 灵活的转向系统:采用了液压转向系统,转向灵活,操作方便,能够应对各种狭窄道路和转弯情况。4. 全液压振动系统:采用了全液压振动系统,振动效果均匀,能够提供更好的压实效果,以保证道路的质量和稳定性。5. 人性化的设计:驾驶室采用了符合人体工程学原理的设计,提供了良好的视野和舒适的工作环境,减轻了驾驶员的疲劳感。6. 可靠的品质和耐久性:徐工作为一家知名的工程机械制造商,以其可靠的品质和耐久性而闻名,XS395压路机也不例外。7. 易于维护和维修:徐工XS395压路机采用模块化设计,便于维护和维修,缩短了机器的停工时间,提高了机器的可用率。

Advantages of XCMG XS395 roller include:1. Powerful power system: equipped with Weichai engine with rated power of 146kW, it is powerful enough to cope with various road and soil conditions.2. Efficient working capacity: adopting wide and thick compression tires and high-power compression wheel drive system, it is able to provide stable squeezing pressure and climbing ability to improve construction efficiency.3. Flexible steering system: Adopting hydraulic steering system, the steering is flexible and easy to operate, which can cope with all kinds of narrow roads and turning situations. 4. Full hydraulic vibration system: Adopting full hydraulic vibration system, the vibration effect is uniform, which can provide better compaction effect to ensure the quality and stability of the road. 5. Humanized design: The cab adopts the design of ergonomics principle, which provides a good field of vision and comfortable working environment, and reduces the driver's workload. 6. working environment, which reduces the driver's fatigue.6. Reliable quality and durability: XCMG, as a well-known construction machinery manufacturer, is known for its reliable quality and durability, and the XS395 roller is no exception.7. Easy maintenance and repair: XCMG's XS395 roller adopts a modularized design, which makes it easy to be maintained and repaired, shortens the machine's downtime, and improves the machine's availability rate.

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